Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why are the Stromberg bros trying to kill me?!

I cannot handle the Stromberg bros! If you're going to do an episode of E3TV please Wesley, please! Do not, I repeat DO NOT take us to your room to show us around and then you joke about your bed being magical and then you start humping it. -_- You almost killed me! Like ugh! And then we you go to your bathroom, don't say those things like "it's where I get dirty and clean if you know what I mean" like please stop! I'm crying!

And Keaton! Don't get me start! *points to bed* "This is where magic happens....sleep." Like I think every Keaton girl died right there. Like I already died once because of Wesley and now you! Its a two in one!

OH! AND DREW!! WE CAN'T FORGET ABOUT HIM! I KNOW HE ISN'T A STROMBERG BUT STILL WE CAN'T FORGET ABOUT HIM! Keaton was like 'oh wait!' and he made Wesley follow out to the balcony and Wes goes "this is where we keep Drew" and then here's Drew outside playing guitar and singing. 

Last but not least, Wesley's car. How beautiful is it!? I mean, I prefer old cars like a Chevy Impala but that is a beauitful car no matter what. And Wes and Keaton made it look even more beautiful <3

"Welcome to our casa" -Wesley

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