So once a month, my old church Lakewood, sends me newsletters and on the front of them is a positive message. I thought that I could share it for others to read.
Finish Strong
Many people in life give up just before their breakthrough. They are on their last lap, so to speak, so close to the finish line, but give up not realizing they are just moments away from victory.
There is an anointing God has for you. A finishing faith for you to tap into that you cannot see. Just like the invisible air you breathe and electricity you use, you have an unseen power working on your behalf that will enable you to complete what God has placed in your heart.
Most of us feel fire and passion when we start off on a new endeavor. But what really hangs people up in life is the day after day waiting in the in-between stages. I've heard it said that it's easy to get into the boat and start your journey. You lift the anchor, loosen the reigns and head across the waters. You leave the safety of the edge with eager exhilaration and head for the deep waters. But what happens when you're out in the water drifting and you can't see either the shore where you began or the dock of the destination? It's this waiting period that so often consumes and overwhelms us.
But today, I want to remind you to get a fresh fire for finishing faith. Victory is waiting for you! You are closer to that lighthouse beaming through the fog telling you that you're on the right path. Keep going. You're almost there!
Friend, God is not finished with you. Your best days are still ahead. You've got to shake off what didn't work out and get your passion back. There is a flame burning deep down inside. The scripture talks about fanning the flame, stirring up your gifts. It's not enough to finish, but to finish with your fire still burning.
The apostle Paul faced many situations that could have put his fire out. He was doing the right thing, sharing the good news and helping people when he was arrested and put in prison. It looked like he would never get to his destiny. The closer he got, the more obstacles he faced. He was alone in a dungeon on death row. It looked like God had forgotten about him. But Paul wasn't defeated, depressed, or feeling sorry for himself. Even though he was physically in chains, they couldn't stop what God wanted him to do. Since Paul couldn't go out and speak publicly, he began to write. He wrote book after book. He wrote a letter to the Ephesians, he wrote a letter to the Colossians, to the Romans, to the Philippians. He wrote over half of the New Testament, much of it from a prison cell. They thought they were shutting him up, but they were doing just the opposite; his voice was amplified. What they meant for harm, God used for good.
I've found the battles get tougher as you get closer to your destiny. Family members may not celebrate you, challenges arise you weren't expecting, a health issue, the business slows down, or the loss of a loved one. It would be easy to think, "I was doing so good, I was getting so close. If I just wouldn't have had that bad break. I'm out in the middle of the water with no end in sight." Know that challenge is a sign that you're getting closer to your destiny. The same God that gave you grace to start is the same God that's going to help you to finish. He knows exactly where your path is leading. Nothing you're facing is a surprise to God. He knows every hill, every difficulty, every bad break. The good news is that His grace is sufficient. You will never face a hill where you don't have the strength to climb it.
You may be facing some challenges right now. Keep reminding yourself that God is the author and the finisher of your faith. He helped you to get started, but more importantly, He's going to help you finish. He didn't bring you this far to leave you. It says in Philippians 1:6, "He who began a good work in you will continue to perform it until it's complete." One translations says, "He will bring you to a flourishing finish." Not a defeated finish where you barely make it, but a flourishing finish. A finish more rewarding that you ever imagined.
When you hit that tough time, don't worry. God is there pushing you forward, taking you where you could not go on your own. You will overcome what you couldn't overcome by yourself. You will climb mountains that you thought were too steep, overcome obstacles that looked insurmountable. God's finishing grace will propel you further than you could ever imagine. Finish with grace to fulfill your destiny that God has placed in your life.
- Joel Osteen (Lakewood Church)
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